A fictional character in Japanese fiction, Kakegurui (also known as Kakegurui, Gakuru, Karakusa, or Kakasa) is a fictional character in a series of books written about professional archers in the ancient times in Japan. The term “Kakegurui” (which means “pot-bow”) was first used in a fictional book about an archer called Takezozo Gomi. In this book, the character Kakegurui reappeared along with other fictional archers, and their quest for the ultimate bow was to test their mettle. The phrase “Kakegurui” literally means “the ultimate bow”, but the term has also come to mean “emblem bow” or simply “a bow with no feathers”. It has also come to be used to describe any type of cross bow, whether or not it actually has feathers.
The author of the novel, Takeshi Usui, based his story on the life of the archer Takezo Gomi, and the novel’s setting in the 1820s in nineteenth-century Japan. The main character of the story is a young woman by the name of Mio Akiyama. Mio had been born with a deformity causing her to have an unnaturally high tolerance for gambling. She attended the private academy known as Hyakkaou Private Academy, where she gained a reputation as a good archer, and high status among her classmates. At the end of the story, when she was ready to leave private life, she betrays her family, absconds to Japan, and becomes a recluse who is immersed in gambling paraphernalia, like compulsive gamblers’ equipment.
Kakegurui, which translates to “pot-bow”, is a fictional character found in several Japanese fiction series, primarily anime ones. The most popular of these is the Naruto series which has Kakegurui as its main character. The novel starts out with a brief prologue introducing the main character, Mio Akiyama, who is described as a nineteen-year-old girl with an unusually high tolerance for gambling. She goes on to explain that she is a former professional gambler who has been ostracised by her peers since childhood, and as such she has developed compulsive gambling urges and a deep connection to cards and numbers. One of the main characteristics of her personality is her uncontrollable urge to gamble, which drives her to seek comfort in the form of compulsive betting.
The novel’s plot revolves around Mio’s search for a card deck that will help her win a match at an upcoming card game. In the anime television series, Mio goes to a friend’s house that belongs to the headmaster of a temple she has just graduated from. She wants to find a rare card deck but upon entering the house, the headmaster informs her that it cannot be done due to the temple rules. Mio gets frustrated and angry at this turn of events, but before she can make a decision, she suddenly notices a man in a wheelchair being led into the room. With this sudden change in location, Mio realizes that she is about to enter the world of gambling in order to win the most amount of money possible.
Mio initially uses her love for numbers to pick the cards up and place them into her betting system, but soon she begins to lose all her money as she neglects to look after it. In order to get out of the house, Mio must find the legendary Shichi Goken (the cards of death) and uses them to reverse the effects of a curse placed on her by a rich old man. This curse is actually what makes Mio lose most of her fortune, but with the help of Shichi Goken, she is able to defeat a number of monsters and other supernatural forces that were plaguing the Earth. However, with the help of the master of numbers, Mio is unable to win the entire amount of money that was won in the game and is forced to play another game, this time using her knowledge of Japanese card tricks to try and win a little more.
As previously mentioned, Kakegurui has a lot of fan support online as well as offline, with both the first season and the second season being popular among both adult viewers and children alike. Despite this, many people are not aware that there is an anime series available, with the second season being the new fantasy based kakegurui anime series. Because of this, the anime series hasn’t had a lot of promotion or exposure on major networks. This means that fans of Kakegurui may not be able to watch the anime series regularly, but they can still enjoy it through online streaming videos, TV plays, and other forms of media such as DVD’s.