Aftershocks Kakegurui – Why Is There A Danger Of Aftershocks on This Island?

Aftershocks Kakegurui - Why Is There A Danger Of Aftershocks on This Island?
Aftershocks Kakegurui – Why Is There A Danger Of Aftershocks on This Island?

Aftershocks Kakegurui – Why Is There A Danger Of Aftershocks on This Island?

The earthquakes that devastated Japan on February 13th, 2021 claimed the lives of over six hundred people and also changed the landscape of Kakegurui for ever. This small town is located on the northwest coast of the island of Oahu and has been quiet and quite peaceful for the past few centuries. The earthquakes that hit this area have triggered tectonic shifts in the earth’s crust, causing massive amounts of ground movement. Kakegurui residents were greatly impacted as well due to the change in the land structure, but fortunately they escaped the worst of the destruction. Their story is one of hope and survival, despite the devastation.

The most important aspect of any disaster situation is preparation. This is what the Oahu residents did before the big day. They thoroughly cleaned up all debris, removed everything that could be salvaged from their homes and even had their toilets cleaned before the volunteers arrived. This was because they knew that there was no way they could rebuild their homes after such a huge disaster. Their city was completely destroyed, so they simply had to get by without houses, cars and everything else. Kakegurui lived and has thrived off of donations and volunteerism ever since the devastating earthquake.

The earthquake was far from the only disaster that has hit Oahu. In fact, there are two others nearby that have also claimed several lives in recent weeks. On the island of Maui an island off the coast of Hawaii, a massive 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit on Wednesday. On the other side of Oahu, a magnitude 5.7 quake struck on Saturday, also claiming the lives of three people. Since both areas are on the edge of active tectonic activity, it is very likely that the damage done by either earthquake will be felt by residents of Kakegurui.

Kakegurui has long suffered from the threat of large earthquakes, especially since the fault line that connects the islands runs through the middle of the island. The fault line can produce destructive waves even in relatively good soil, which makes it difficult for many residents to build homes and businesses. The steep cliffs and deep valleys of the island make it particularly susceptible to fault movement, and that threat was highlighted again over the weekend when another earthquake with a much smaller intensity hit the same area. Fortunately, however, none of the residents of Kakegurui was hurt or killed in the accident, and all signs suggest that the damage is minor.

There is also the issue of tsunami risk to consider for Oahu. Hawaii has been hammered on several occasions by large waves in the past, including one of the biggest waves in recorded history. The waves can be strong enough to cause major damage or even death in a short period of time, and the fear is that this might be one of the triggers for the aftershocks along the island’s famous West Coast. If the big waves were to come, however, residents living in Kakegurui would not be left uninfected because of the earthquake.

Even though there is no immediate threat to the residents of Kakegurui, there is plenty of reason for concern about the future. Many local businessmen are predicting that the island will slowly recover, but even small tremors have caused some damage. If there are big waves coming, then there is a possibility that houses on the island could be seriously damaged or even destroyed, even though no tsunami studies have been released to confirm this. It is also unclear what will happen to the seafood that Hawaii is famous for. If the fault line moves far enough to affect the fish, the effects will likely be devastating.


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