Kakegurui is a Japanese manga written and drawn by Homura Kawamori and illustrated by Tōru Naomura. It started serialization in Square Enix’s Gangan Joker manga in March 2021, with the final volume also released as a tankobon series in February 2021. The series is popular among young boys and has sold over five million copies. The main characters are Kakegurui Shoju, an average fifteen-year old high school student, and his two childhood friends, Hiyama Gatsu and Mokura. They form a fighting club called the Gginbins which specializes on heavy armaments, much to the dismay of their captain Ritsu Tainaka.
The July issue of Shogakuru magazine revealed that the main series’ fifteen volumes have sold more than one million copies. One of the main characters, Kakegurui Shoju, was given a special chapter devoted to him. The July issue also gave a brief summary of the story and a description of the events that will happen throughout the rest of the manga’s volumes. It was also mentioned that a movie adaptation of the story will be releasing in the future.
The main story of Kakegurui revolves around the story of Shoju and his two friends Mokura and Hiyama Gatsu. They are childhood friends who work together at a convenience store. Shoju was killed during a battle between Mafia members and order troops. Mokura and Hiyama both end up dead. Shoju wants to avenge his friend but he then realizes that he doesn’t have the skill or strength to do so.
Kakegurui began as a light-hearted comedy with many of its scenes set in a real casino. It later becomes more of a romantic and drama series that centres on a love story. The majority of the story is told in first person and the main character, Shoju, is portrayed as a character that is well known for his gambling and womanizing skills. The novel’s story takes place in and around New York City. It follows the main character and his friends as they go about their daily lives and experiences. It is hoped that other genres such as action, fantasy, and wrestling may find their way into the future of Kakegurui manga.
Masamune Shoji, the creator of the original Japanese version of Kakegurui, has been hired by Gonzo to translate and English dub of the anime. The original short read also had short read written all over it and in Japanese. The English subtitles for the anime were done by Keisuke Furudzu. It can be considered to be one of the best translated and subtitled shows that has ever been made and this is probably due to the fact that no one but Japanese people have ever seen the original version. The female characters in this version are portrayed with more feminine qualities than the manga version, which in itself was very different.
Kakegurui, the second season of the Japanese manga series was released in March of 2021. The second season focused more on romance, family and friends relationships. This summer, the third season is set to begin and it promises to be even better than the first season. I am sure that the success of the Kakegurui anime series will continue to grow as more fans of the original find out about it. It is definitely a must see anime series that all Japanese fans should check out.