Kakegurui – Episodes 1-2 Review

The land of Kakegurui is a place like no other in the Fiji islands. It is remote by comparison to any of the main tropical islands and is a world away from the bustle of cities and bustling life of major cities. Yumeko Jabami enrolled at Hyakkaou Private School, where prospective students are ranked according to their gambling success, and good reputation and fortune await those that rise to the top. Like many of the students, Yumeko is a gambler by nature, but not necessarily in the negative sense. In fact, he is so skilled at the game that he often wins more on his winnings than he loses. He has won every time that he has been allowed to try the game, although it has become somewhat of a pastime for him over the years.

Kakegurui - Episodes 1-2 Review
Kakegurui – Episodes 1-2 Review

With the help of a certain individual, Yumeko has managed to create an anime called “Kakegurui”, which translates to “Gambling”. This manga series follows the life of a gambler named Mizuki Asagi who starts off in his career as a professional gambler, but finds himself gaining more popularity among other players when he enters tournaments to try out different gambling methods. With the help of a certain organization called the Triad, Asagi is trained to be a new kind of gambler, a “Ryokan”. There, he meets several new friends that form part of the Shikon squad which consists of Ritsu Tainaka, Rihoko Tanahara, Gino Dos Santos, and Takebe Furuhara.

After several months of training, the gang travels to an island called Ogasawara where they meet the chief of the island, who turns them into enemies. When Kakegurui is badly beaten, he realizes that there are forces working against him from within his own club. The Triad then tells him that the club is under investigation and that the chief will soon die of a heart attack. With this knowledge, Kakegurui then plots a way to have the Triad killed and thus take control of the island. With this in mind, the main hero decides that he must win the battle at Ogasawara before the others can do it.

Kakegurui has received critical acclaim from both the anime viewers and from the gaming community. It was later ranked number 4 in the Popularity Rankings of the EIA and was later selected as one of the best monthly releases in the history of the EIA. This is not surprising since the first season was just as well done as this second season. While the first season ended with a bang, this second season has been a lot slower to pick up the pace and still contains great episodes.

For those who have not watched the anime series, there are several interesting points to be learned from the second season of Kakegurui. One is that the protagonist Yumeko salami actually turns into a jaguar. While this does not seem to be something new, it was something worth seeing and gives insight to how far fantasy can be pulled in to our real world. Also worth noting is that in the second season, Yumeko shows no signs of losing his love for Takeshi. The mystery between the two still remains unanswered, but this has made for entertaining television.

This anime series has received critical acclaim from both hardcore anime fans and from people who just like to see fantasy anime television series. This is because of the excellent animation, voice acting, and interesting plot. This second season of Kakegurui is likely to stay up in the ratings for many months to come.


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